Thursday, January 9, 2014

What a Wonderful Week!

Dear Family,

Well, we are all snuggled in the classrooms and getting acquainted to our new surroundings!  The words from the students are:  awesome, just perfect, incredible, amazing, etc....   The smiles really say it all!

We started off Monday with a Welcome to Your New School Assembly where I was given a purple basketball to shoot the first "official" shot into the new hoops!  It took me, well, let's say, more than a few times to get it in!  But word on the street from the 5th grade boys is that I have good "form!"

I want to commend my staff for their tireless effort to get thing set up and ready for all of our families and students.  They have moved their classrooms 3 x in the past 18 months!   I am incredibly happy for the teachers here who deserve the very best for all that they do.  A big thank you to the students and families for which none of this would have been possible without your support and care!