Monday, January 27, 2014

New Place to Drop Off Students in the Morning! Avoid the congestion on Lomita!

Alternative Morning Drop-off Spot - 250 Camino Alto - Starts Wed January 29th.

Do you currently drop off you kids in Scott Valley behind school on Azalea, Underhill or Vasco Ct?

Now you can shorten your trip and drop them in a spot away from traffic and let them get a little exercise before they start the day.

Starting Wednesday, January 29th you will be able to use 250 Camino Alto parking lot as a drop off. (Immediately behind where the Cantina shopping center is.)
  1. Pull in and drive to the back of the lot. 
  2. Drop off your kids who will walk on the path to school (it's a 7-10 minute walk).
  3. Proceed on out of the parking lot, do not park and unload. Volunteers will be there to help.
  4. If you'd like to drop little ones, bring an adult who can go w/them and walk home after, etc.
Please email Deborah at if you can take a turn to help kids get out and to keep the cars moving along and make this a success or sign up with her at the drop spot. We need a volunteer each morning at first.