Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sept. 11, 2013

Dear Family,
Over the years I have always addressed the school community as "family" because it is my school family!  Many "editors" have tried to change it to "families."  I prefer to leave it as FAMILY  :)

This is my first attempt at blogging so I hope you will forgive my "newness" to this type of forum!  It will allow me to add things as needed and communicate better!  That is the goal anyway!

It was wonderful to meet all of you at Back to School Night this past, Sept. 11.  The school is big and wonderful, with 604 students!  A big THANK YOU goes out to all the teachers who prepared so well to meet all of their new families.

As it was mentioned, we need CAR LINE VOLUNTEERS each morning and afternoon.  Each class is assigned a time frame in which we ask each family to help out whether you use the car line or not.  It really helps with traffic flow.  In addition, if your child uses car line, please reiterate the importance of getting out the curb in a timely manner.  Often times, students aren't out there and it backs up traffic.  Please refer to our website for CAR LINE information.

Now for the bad news..... you have to leave your dogs at home!  Dogs are not allowed on school district property.  Many children are afraid of dogs and they are not allowed!  :(
Please do not tie them up on picnic tables or other school property areas.
Stay tuned.... lots more information will be coming your way!  I will have this linked to the website but you can also choose to get updates as I post them.