Monday, April 7, 2014

I hope this is the last PAVING the PARKING LOT date change!

Thursday( 4/10/14)  -  First Lift Paving at New Entry Loop @
                                       Parking lot (Upper) starting in a.m.

                                     3:30p.m. -  Close Entry Drive and
                                       pave at East / West cross drive.

Friday (4/11/14)  -     Complete second lift of paving at New
                                       Entry Loop and Parking Lot. (Upper)

                                       3:30 p.m. - Close Entry Drive and
                                       complete paving at East / West cross

As previously noted, vehicles in the existing parking lot will
be able to exit at the southwest exist near Lomita / Lomita.
Visitors to the site after 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday or 3:30 p.m.
on Thursday should use the lower parking lot or park on the
street for these two days.