Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Driving with Intention and Good Manners!

I have been inundated with emails from our school neighbors, families and concerned citizens about the lack of courtesy and manners with regards to parking and car line.  Ughhhh!  This takes up a lot of valuable time away from students and teachers.

I do know the parking situation is horrific!  Currently we have construction workers taking up most of the available parking on the street and in front of Ring Mountain.  This will cease as the new school opens.  By the end of the 2013-2014 school year, we will have the additional parking which is currently our Interim Campus.

We have approximately 51 parking spaces and over 60 staff members, so this has also been an issue.  We will persevere through this but it will take courteous behavior by everyone.

During the drop off and pick-up times YOU MAY NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE NEIGHBORS DRIVEWAYS!  Not for a second or a minute!  This is illegal and incredibly rude, to say the least.  Imagine trying to leave your driveway for work and you can't get out because there is a car parked at the end of your driveway!  It is happening on a regular basis.

I expect the same Life Skills from our parents as I do the students.  These include: Cooperation, Effort, Friendship Integrity, Patience, and Responsibility to name a few.  I take great pride in our school and our reputation in the community.  Please be a good citizen and member of the Edna Maguire Community with your words, behavior and actions!